August 2015

Defined Contribution Plan and Defined Benefit Plan: Explained

Overview As an employee, one might be eligible for at least one of the two types of pension plans. Defined contribution plans and defined benefits are both types of pension plans. Both of the pension plan categories are employee-sponsored, and employees are eligible for it upon retirement. A defined benefit plan is traditionally known as […]

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Fixed Assets (IAS 16): Definition, Recognition, Measurement, Depreciation, and Disclosure

Fixed assets definition: Fixed assets normally refer to property, plant, and equipment held for use in the production or supply of goods or services, rental to others, or administrative purposes. They are expected to be used by an entity with more than one year accounting period. Those assets included land, building, machinery, cars, computers, and other

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What is asset? Definition, Explanation, Types, Classification, Formula, and Measurement

Definition: The definition of assets refers to the resource controlled by the entity as a result of past events and expected to have future economic benefits inflow to the entity. This is what Conceptual Framework said. The company’s assets, under the Conceptual Framework, could be range from tangible to intangible and from current assets to non-current assets.

What is asset? Definition, Explanation, Types, Classification, Formula, and Measurement Read More »

Top 5 Depreciation and Amortization Methods (Explanation and Examples)

Overview: Depreciation and amortization methods are how an entity used to allocate or charge the expenses on fixed assets that the company use for their operational purpose into the financial statements, specifically, in the income statement, in systematic ways based on the method allowed by applicable accounting standards. As we all know, almost all of

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