Every business in the world needs employees to succeed. However, for them, it isn’t as easy as hiring employees. Businesses must also know how to effectively and efficiently manage their employees. The process of managing employees is known as Human Resources Management (HRM).

HRM consists of different aspects of dealing with employees such as recruitment, compensation, performance management, communication, training and development, safety, benefits, motivation, and much more.

A proper HRM process in a business can have many benefits. First of all, it can help increase the productivity and motivation of employees, thus, increasing the profits of the business as well.

Similarly, it is important because it helps produce employees that can adapt to changes and develop to benefit the business.

Likewise, a proper HRM process can also help in retaining employees for the long-term, thus, saving costs related to recruitment and training. These are only a few examples of how HRM can be beneficial to a business.

The HRM process of business also requires competent managers to be effective. While there are many ways that managers can use to gain knowledge related to HRM, the best way is to obtain it through books. Below is a list of the five best HRM books that they can use.

1) The Essential HR Handbook, 10th Anniversary Edition: A Quick and Handy Resource for Any Manager or HR Professional

The Essential HR Handbook is a book written by Sharon Armstrong and Barbara Mitchell, both of whom have respectable experience in the HR field. The book is one of the best books for all levels of readers as it discusses the basics of HR in a very easy to understand and jargon-free language.

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It also discusses topics related to all aspects of HR. Whether the reader is new to HR or a seasoned professional, the book has valuable knowledge for them.

It also has many tools, tips, checklists, and roadmaps to guide managers through different HR issues. Overall, it is the go-to book for many HR managers.

2) People Analytics For Dummies

The “For Dummies” series of books is one of the best series out there. People Analytics For Dummies, written by Mike West, is a superb read for HR managers. The book discusses how to create a successful workforce through the study of employees.

The book further discusses how to collect data, analyze it and then apply any findings to create a better, more engaged workforce.

The book also discusses the reason behind high employee turnover and other employee-related issues in a straightforward manner. Overall, it is a superb book for managers looking to develop HR strategies.

3) HR on Purpose: Developing Deliberate People Passion

HR on Purpose is a highly-rated book on HRM written by Steve Browne. The author is a well-known writer, speaker and thought leader on Human Resources Management for over 30 years. This book discusses HRM through engaging real-life examples, insights and epiphanies.

It also motivates managers to not rely on preconceptions of HR and focuses on making HRM better. The book has a casual feel to it, which makes it an interesting and appealing read for managers of all levels.

It also tries to bring purpose and passion to the work of managers by encouraging them to rethink their approach. Overall, HR on Purpose is a highly recommended book.

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4) Standout HR: Transform your company’s Human Resources from a generic, low-value commodity to a strategic system that fuels business results

Standout HR is an HRM book written by Vero Vanmiddelem. The book describes what managers need to redesign their HR strategy to be successful and create added value to their businesses.

The book takes managers through a journey, by first helping them gain insight into the basic HR model.

Next, it helps them understand and use specifics of their internal building blocks to develop their own HRM strategies. Finally, it helps them learn about an approach to covert their strategies into reality.

It also provides a specific case study to help managers learn from practical experience. Overall, the book is great for HR managers.

5) The HR Scorecard: Linking People, Strategy, and Performance

The HR scorecard is the final book on the list written by three experts of the HR field, Dave Ulrich, Mark A. Huselid and Brian E. Becker. The authors use their ongoing study of 3,000 firms to describe a seven-step for incorporating HR systems within the overall strategy of a business, which they call the HR Scorecard.

The book further explains how to measure the activities of the process in a compelling way. The HR Scorecard describes a new method to deal with HRM, which managers can use to their advantage.


Businesses depend on their employees for success. Therefore, they need to have a proper Human Resources Management process to manage their employees.

The best way to gain knowledge about HRM is to use books. A list of five of the best HRM books provided above can help managers narrow down their options when it comes to HRM books.

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