Ultimate Guide to Get L’BRANDS Pay Stubs and W2s For a Current and Former Employee

L Brands, the parent company of Victoria’s Secret, Bath & Body Works, and other well-known retail brands, provides its employees easy access to their pay stubs and W2 forms. 

Whether you are a current or former employee of L Brands, you can obtain these documents using the following ultimate guide:

Getting L Brands Pay Stubs:

  1. Access the Associate Resources Limited Brands website. L Brands employees can log in to the Associate Resources Limited Brands website to access their pay stubs. To do so, visit https://associateresources.limitedbrands.com/LBAccess/LoginUser?languageCd=en.
  2. Login with your employee ID and password. Enter your employee ID and password to log in to the website. If you are a first-time user, you must register for an account.
  3. Click on the “Pay” tab. Once logged in, click on the “Pay” tab to access your pay stubs.
  4. Select the pay period. Choose the pay period for which you want to view the pay stub. You can view pay stubs for the current pay period as well as for previous pay periods.
  5. View and download the pay stub. After selecting the pay period, you can view your pay stub. You can also download it in PDF format for your records.

How to Review if Your L Brands Pay Stubs correct?

It is important to review your L Brands pay stubs to ensure that all the information is accurate and that you are being paid correctly. 

Here are the steps to review your pay stub:

  1. Check your personal information. Ensure that your name, address, and other personal information are correct. Any discrepancies could result in issues with taxes or benefits.
  2. Verify your pay rate. Ensure your pay rate is correct and matches the rate you agreed upon with L Brands. If you need clarification, refer to your employment contract or ask your manager.
  3. Review your hours worked. Check that the hours worked on your pay stub match those you worked during the pay period. If applicable, ensure you are paid for all your hours, including overtime.
  4. Confirm your taxes and deductions. Verify that your federal, state, and local taxes and any other deductions are accurate. Check that the amounts match the appropriate tax rates and that any deductions, such as healthcare or retirement contributions, are correct.
  5. Check for any bonuses or additional earnings. If you received any bonuses or additional earnings during the pay period, ensure they are included in your pay stub and that the amounts are correct.
  6. Check your net pay. Your net pay is the amount you take home after taxes and deductions. Ensure that your net pay matches what you expect to receive based on your hours worked and pay rate.
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If you notice any discrepancies or errors on your L Brands pay stub, contact your manager or the L Brands HR department immediately. 

You may need documentation, such as a timesheet or employment contract, to support your claim.

By reviewing your L Brands pay stub regularly, you can ensure that you are being paid correctly and avoid any potential issues with taxes or benefits.

Getting L Brands W2s:

  1. Wait for the W2 to arrive in the mail. L Brands mails W2 forms to all employees by January 31st each year. If you are a current or former employee of L Brands, you should receive your W2 form in the mail by this date. If you still need to receive your W2 form, contact the L Brands HR department.
  2. Contact L Brands HR department. If you have lost your W2 form or have yet to receive it in the mail, you can request a copy from the L Brands HR department. You can reach them by phone at 1-877-415-7911 or by email at [email protected].
  3. Request an electronic copy. L Brands also provides electronic copies of W2 forms. To request an electronic copy of your W2 form, go to the ADP website at https://www.adp.com/logins/run-payroll.aspx and click on “Get Started” under the “First Time Users” section. Follow the prompts to create an account and request an electronic copy of your W2 form.

How to Review if Your L Brands W2s Correct?

Reviewing your L Brands pay stubs and W2 forms is important to ensure that the information reported is accurate and matches your records.

Here are the steps to review your pay stub and W2 form:

  1. Check your personal information. Ensure that your name, address, and Social Security Number are correct. This information must be correct to avoid issues with taxes or benefits. If you notice any errors, contact the L Brands HR department immediately.
  2. Verify your income. Check that the income reported on your pay stubs and W2 form matches your records. Ensure that all income, including bonuses, overtime pay, and other earnings, are accurately reported. If you have questions about your income, refer to your employment contract or ask your manager.
  3. Confirm your taxes withheld. Verify that the federal, state, and local taxes withheld on your pay stubs and W2 form match your tax records. Ensure that the amounts match the appropriate tax rates and that any deductions, such as healthcare or retirement contributions, are correct. If you have questions about your taxes withheld, contact the L Brands HR department.
  4. Check for any additional earnings. If you received any other income, such as interest or dividends, ensure they are reported accurately on your W2 form.
  5. Verify any adjustments. If any adjustments to your income or taxes, such as for a 401(k) contribution or health savings account, ensure they are accurately reported on your W2 form.
  6. Check for errors. Review your pay stubs and W2 form for any errors or discrepancies. If you notice any errors, contact the L Brands HR department immediately to have them corrected.
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Contact the L Brands HR department for assistance if you have questions or concerns about your pay stubs or W2 form.

You can find their contact information on the L Brands employee portal or by contacting your manager.

Additionally, you can access your L Brands pay stubs and W2 forms online through the MyLB Portal.

If you have trouble accessing the portal or need assistance, refer to the MyLB Portal User Guide or contact the L Brands HR department for help.

In conclusion, L Brands provides its employees with easy access to their pay stubs and W2 forms. 

Following the steps outlined in this guide, you can obtain these documents for tax and other purposes. 

If you have any questions or need further assistance, contact the L Brands HR department at the phone number or email address provided above.
