What is the Meaning of Aggregation in Accounting and Finance?

Due to the vast amount of information available, it is easy to get lost. Usually, this data comes from several sources, which makes it challenging to collect. Most users looking for specific information must go through all those sources to ensure they cover all bases. However, they may use aggregators to help them in this process. These aggregators may be services, businesses, companies, or other entities.

An aggregator is a party that collects information from various sources. Once it does so, it presents that information under the same roof. This way, users can easily access that information without having to search and go through various sources. These aggregators usually use an aggregator business model that helps them with the process.

The term aggregation has gained significant meaning from the use of aggregatory services. Apart from that usage, this term has also become well-known in accounting in finance. In those fields, aggregation can refer to various concepts. Usually, however, they have a similar main idea. Overall, the meaning of aggregation in accounting and finance may differ based on usage.

What is the meaning of Aggregation in Accounting and Finance?

The term aggregation means the formation of several things into a cluster. In the digital space, it refers to the collection of information under the same platform. In accounting and finance, aggregation means different things. Usually, it involves collecting an entity’s financial data from various sources into a single location.

The preparation of financial statements may also fall under the term aggregation. This process involves collecting information from various sources and presenting it under those statements. Therefore, it meets the definition of aggregation set above. For example, the balance sheet reports several individual balances as a part of the overall assets, equity and liabilities.

However, the process of preparing financial statements falls under account or financial data aggregation. This method involves compiling information from various sources. It may also relate to collecting data for an individual from different accounts and presenting them to one singular institution. For example, it may include information about bank accounts, credit cards, investment accounts, business accounts, etc.

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Due to the technological developments over the years, account aggregation has become significantly straightforward. Various applications or tools allow institutions to gather information about individuals’ accounts and present it under a common point. This way, it can make managing finances and accounts significantly more straightforward. However, these aggregator businesses may also charge customers for their services.

Overall, aggregation refers to the collection of information from various sources and presenting them together. This process may occur for a single institution or business. However, it may also include other sources if account holders agree to it. Various personal finance services offer customers aggregate data services. Through this, they can collect information from several sources and present it together.

What are the Types of Aggregation?

Several types of aggregation can exist in finance and accounting. The most prevalent of these is account aggregation. This process involves getting a customer’s information from various sources. These sources include their bank accounts, credit cards, pension plans, and other resources. Account aggregation is the most common usage for this term in accounting and finance.

However, aggregation may also have other types. One of these includes payment initiation aggregation. Within this service, consumers can make payments from accounts from different banks. This way, they can share costs between various bank accounts. Usually, they need an app that allows this aggregation to occur.

Aggregation may also apply to future markets. In that context, it refers to the combination of all future positions held by an individual. In other words, it combines all positions owned by a single trade into one aggregate position. However, this type of aggregation only applies to the futures market. Therefore, it has limited usage.

Apart from these, aggregation can also have other types. As mentioned, aggregation in accounting may refer to the collection of data from various sources. Then, it involves using that data to prepare reports, which usually include the financial statements. Furthermore, aggregation may also apply to data analysis and other fields.

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How does Aggregation work?

In essence, aggregation involves the act of grouping various items into a single dimension. Other terms used for this concept may include combination, compilation, and gathering. In accounting and finance, the primary usage for this term relates to account aggregation. It refers to a service provided by account aggregators who gather information about individuals’ accounts.

Account aggregation involves collecting data for an individual from various sources. These sources may include their savings, checking and brokerage accounts. On top of that, it will also consist of other financial assets across all institutions where they hold business. However, this process cannot occur unless the individual does not provide permission for the aggregator to do so.

Usually, individuals have to provide information that allows aggregators to access their information. These may include usernames and passwords to their accounts. With that information, the service scans their accounts and downloads crucial information. Once it gets data from all accounts, it aggregates or combines it. However, these services have limited access and can only download essential information.

Some aggregators may also look beyond information from savings, checking, and brokerage accounts. It may include data about an individual’s net worth. Therefore, it may collect information about asset values, such as houses, shares, investments, etc. These services may also categorize cash inflows and outflows to produce better information. Some other services may also provide more customization and control over data aggregation.

Although aggregation has existed for a long time in accounting and finance, technology has helped make it relevant. Nowadays, most aggregators use digital tools to collect information and present it to their customers. Technology has also made accessing information more straightforward. Therefore, these platforms have gained better control over the data they collect and present.

What is the importance of Aggregation?

The aggregation has become more relevant and vital over the years. This process has gained significant attention due to how beneficial it is. In the past, this term did not have much meaning. More recently, however, it has garnered some praise. One of the primary areas where it shines is it helps clients manage their finances more efficiently. Since it provides an overall picture of all assets and liabilities, it allows for better decision-making in the process.

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Similarly, the aggregation process has allowed financial planners to break down their client’s financial positions. In the past, these planners had to seek information from various sources. Sometimes, that information was inaccessible or unavailable. Through aggregation, however, the process has become more streamlined. This way, financial planners can provide more personalized recommendations and overall better service.

However, aggregation does not invade clients’ privacy. As mentioned, it requires access to an individual’s accounts, which only they can provide. On top of that, users can add additional security and protection to the process to ensure their privacy doesn’t get invaded. For users that worry about their personal information, this process respects their boundaries.

Aggregation also simplifies the understanding of an individual’s finances. For users holding accounts with various institutions, this process can make analyzing information from several sources straightforward. This way, users can consolidate that information to get a better picture of their finances. In the absence of aggregation, they may need to perform significantly more work to achieve the same results.

Overall, aggregation is all about providing individuals more convenience with understanding and analyzing their finances. On top of that, it also makes similar processes straightforward, for example, bill payments. It provides all relevant information under the same roof. Therefore, users don’t need to make the additional effort of compiling information from various sources.


The term aggregation refers to the collection, gathering, or combination of data. However, it may have various meanings in accounting and finance. When it comes to the former, the term refers to collecting financial data to prepare reports. In finance, however, it primarily represents account aggregation. However, it may have other uses, for example, in the futures market.