2023 Guide to Get W2 Form from Aerotek (For Current & Previous Employees)

Both current and former employees can obtain their W2 forms through Aerotek. Let’s discuss the procedures to get the W2 form.

How do current workers obtain W2 forms from Aerotek?

Aerotek sends W-2 forms to employees’ addresses on file as of January 1 during the last week of January. You need to contact the regional office that hired you if your current address differs from when you were working.

So, if there is an updated address, you need to send Aerotek. And if the system gets updated, it will be mailed to the new address.

When the online W-2 becomes accessible to view, CIC Plus will send you an email if you choose to obtain your W-2 online. By mid-February, if you still have not gotten your W-2, you can ask your employer for a new copy.

It’s important to note that this form is necessary to file the taxes. So, there is a need to make sure that this form is received on a timely basis. Otherwise, it might lead to certain penalties from IRS for not filing the taxes on a timely basis.

How will former employees receive W2 forms in 2022?

As per Aerotek policy, W-2 forms are sent to the address on file as of January 1 last week. Individuals need to get in touch with the local office of Aerotek, where they were employed if their current address changed during the time it employed them.

If you choose to get your W-2 online, CIC Plus will send you an email when it becomes available for viewing. There are two methods recommended for their users to obtain your W-2:

  1. You can either register to view or download your W2 online.
  2. Contact a nearby Aerotek office to request a reprint.

So, the procedure is more or less the same, both in the case of current and previous employees. However, there may be a need to contact the Aerotek office. Especially in the case of former employees.

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Further, it’s important to note that you will probably not need W2 forms from much older periods but preceding periods.    

How to access your W-2 online from Aerotek website?

You can access pay advice by logging in, then select the link for “Manage Electronic Tax Statement Options.” After that, the “Electronic Statement Notification Options” section can be found by scrolling down.

Then to sign up for electronic delivery of your tax statement, select “Yes” from the menu. The next step is to decide how you want to be informed when your tax statement(s) are ready for download.

Then select “Save Notification Option Settings” from the menu. And then a green confirmation of your preferences will be shown at the top of the page.

One important thing to remember is that once you have agreed to get your W-2 electronically, you won’t receive printed copies in the mail, and your preference will remain in effect.

What is Aerotek and what do they do?

Aerotek is a top employment and hiring firm globally. With a recruiting company like Aerotek that has experience in putting businesses in touch with specialists in manufacturing, logistics, building, aviation, and facilities management industries, you may get assistance finding a job or top candidate.

Millions of men and women have found fulfilling jobs at renowned businesses for more than 35 years due to Aerotek people-centered, performance-oriented culture.

These businesses are aware that an excellent workforce necessitates both skill and character. Concerning the nexus of talent and business, Aerotek now has a distinctive viewpoint.

Aerotek has received praise for providing outstanding customer service. All the talent and other recognition awards are based on the overwhelmingly positive survey answers of thousands of hiring managers and job candidates who partnered with them to identify exceptional expertise or a position that matched their needs regarding objectives, interests, and abilities.

Based on some reliable external surveys, there has been strong evidence that Aerotek is considered exceptional in terms of meeting the employees’ personal goals, having a clear sense of professional growth, and learning new things at the workplace.

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However, there is a need to improve on areas of overall satisfaction, trust in colleagues, and a sense of belonging to the organization.

For employees who are concerned about how to obtain W2 forms, Aerotek offers comprehensive assistance available to employees, both current and former employees.

What is W-2 Form?

Following the end of the tax year, employers are obligated to send W-2 Forms to employees and (SSA) the Social Security Administration. Employees then use the W-2 form’s data to complete their income tax returns.

Employers must submit Form W-2 to the IRS with employee wages and salaries information. The W-2 Form also contains crucial information regarding the sum of federal, state, and other taxes deducted from your pay and other employer-provided benefits, including medical insurance, adoption and dependent care aid, contributions to health savings accounts, and more.

When an employee has to file the taxes, the data on the W-2 form is really crucial. A W-2 should typically arrive from your company close to the start of the next year if you were an employee during a specific year. If your employer deducts any taxes from your paycheck, you would also get a W-2.

The employer enters details about the earnings and tax payments of the employee from the prior year on the W2 form. When filing taxes, the employee utilizes this information about earnings and payments made, and the IRS receives a copy to verify the accuracy of the forms.


Employers use the W2 form to report taxes and deductions of the employees. Employees need to get a copy of the W2 form and file their tax returns to file the taxes. However, getting late in filing the taxes might lead to penalties and other repercussions on the employees.

In this article, we have discussed how to access your W2 form. As per company policy, the forms are mailed to your address in the system. However, if your address has changed, there is a need to update the address in the record.

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Further, if you have opted to receive W2 from my email in the account setting, you will not receive mail at your address.

Aerotek is a leading and established Recruitment Company that helps connect professionals across the globe with the businesses and companies that need services from them.

Frequently asked questions

What are the key attractions of working at Aerotek?

There are two main attractions to working at Aerotek. These attractions include the development of personal potential to grow and achieve success.

And the second is professional growth leading to an exceptional career path. However, some reported issues are related to overall satisfaction, sense of belonging, and trust in the workplace.

Can we get a copy of the W2 from the IRS website?

Yes, you can obtain it from the IRS website. However, the actual W2 form can only be retrieved when you submit it with the tax return. However, from the IRS transcript, you can get information like social security administration, past tax records, and other information related to the tax payment.

What to do if the information on the W2 form is not correct?

If the information on the W2 form is not correct, the first step is to contact your employer. However, suppose you have not corrected the form by the end of February.

In that case, you should contact IRS with the information that includes your name, address, employer name, employer address, employer phone number, and identification number of the employer.

Once this process is complete, the IRS will contact the employer to issue you a corrected W2 form. However, if you still do not receive this form, you should use Form 4852 to file a return based on estimated figures.