5 Best Business plan for small business books

Business planning is a crucial aspect of managing businesses efficiently and effectively. In particular, when it comes to small businesses, business planning is essential. Whether it’s the owners or the managers of a small business, they must understand the proper methods to develop a business plan.

It can help both the business and them achieve what they expect from it. Similarly, business planning can have many benefits, apart from efficiency and effectiveness.

While there are many resources where business owners and managers can gain knowledge regarding how to make a business plan for small businesses, the best way to obtain knowledge is through books. Books can help them understand what they should do to achieve better results.

A list of the five best business plan books for small businesses provided below can help them narrow down their options. Although these books are useful for small businesses, they can still help businesses of all sizes.

1) The One Hour Business Plan for Starting a Small Business: The Solopreneur’s Guide on How to Write a Business Plan & Start a Business

Business plans are necessary for businesses of all sizes, whether small or large. The One Hour Business Plan for Starting a Small Business is a book written by Marc Roche.

Although the book generally discusses steps entrepreneurs should take before starting a business, it can also be helpful for owners with already established small businesses.

The book helps owners of small businesses understand what their business is about, how it can achieve its objectives, where it can generate money from, and how to gain a competitive edge.

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More importantly, the book focuses on helping owners develop a solid business plan, which is an essential part of any business and can help them with many aspects of it.

2) Business Plans For Dummies

Business Plan For Dummies is written by Paul Tiffany, who is a senior lecturer at the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkley. While the book is not specific to small businesses, it is still helpful for businesses of all sizes.

The book can help small business owners identify and approach financial backers, such as banks, venture capitalists, angel investors, etc. It also helps them clarify their business mission, vision and values. The book also describes methods for business owners to analyze the industry and competition of their business to strengthen their business.

However, the book does not stop there. It has information related to all aspects of a business and is a superb read for small business owners.

3) The Small Business Strategic Planning Workbook for 2020

The Small Business Strategic Planning Workbook for 2020 is a superb book for small business owners. The writer of the book is Dave Ferguson, who have over 30 years of coaching experience with people in the business.

Although technically not a book, this workbook takes small business owners through the strategic planning process of a business. It also provides them with financial, staffing, marketing and project goals for the coming year.

In the 2020 edition, a new chapter in the workbook addresses some scenarios that business owners can expect to happen in their businesses. The workbook asks questions from small business owners that can significantly help them clarify their goals and objectives.

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4) Successful Business Plan: Secrets & Strategies

Successful Business Plan is the bestselling business plan guide of all time. The author of the book Rhonda Abrams has helped millions of entrepreneurs around the world launch and grow their successful businesses.

The book provides an essential step-by-step guide for entrepreneurs to launch their business or for small business owners to expand their businesses. It achieves that through expert help, worksheets, a sample business plan, tips on impressing investors, and much more.

Many successful entrepreneurs highly recommend this book. Furthermore, over 1000 business schools worldwide use the book. Overall, the book is a superb read for business owners, especially small business owners.

5) The Complete Book of Business Plans: Simple Steps to Writing Powerful Business Plans

The Complete Book of Business Plans is a book written by Joe Covello, who is the founder of a firm that specializes in business planning and finance, and Brian Hazelgren, who has helped many entrepreneurs achieve their dreams.

The Complete Book of Business Plans discusses business plans in a very straightforward manner. However, the book still provides business owners with many different brand-new business plans that can help them attract and financing.

The book focuses on all types of businesses, whether small or large. Similarly, the book is written in very easy to understand language, therefore, making it accessible to a wide audience. Overall, the book can be helpful to small business owners.


A business plan is an essential part of any business, especially for small businesses. Therefore, the owners or managers of small businesses must understand how to achieve that.

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The best way for them is to obtain knowledge regarding the business plan from books. They can use a list of five best business plan books for small businesses given above.