Ultimate Guide To Getting Macy’s Paystubs As A Current Employee And Former Employee!

Are you preparing to file your tax return for the year 2023?

You must get all the documents together to file your tax return on time. Pay stubs, form W2s, W3s, 1099s, etc., are some of the most common documents you will need as a tax filer, whether self-employed or working for a company.

But how do you get access to your W2s, W3s, etc.? State and Federal governments require employers to provide their employees with all the relevant information and forms before the due date of filing tax returns.

What if an employee wants to access his pay stubs from the employer?

No federal government requirements make employers obligated to provide pay stubs to employees. However, most state governments require companies and employers to facilitate their employees and provide them with monthly pay stubs and paychecks.

In today’s article, we will talk about getting Macy’s paystubs as the company’s current employee and as a former employee of Macy.

So let’s get into it.

Key Takeaways

  • Macy’s is a 164 years old company known for its high-end department store chain across the United States. The company operates at over 510 locations with a workforce of over 130,000 employees.
  • You can access your paystubs as a current or previous employee of Macy’s via the company’s online portal.
  • You can also get your paystubs through the following alternatives: contact the HR department or request to receive your paystubs at the mailing address.
  • My Insite Portal was developed by the employees of Macy’s and Bloomingdale

About Macy’s

Macy’s is a very popular high-end department store chain based in America. The company, headquartered in New York City, was founded by Rowland Hussey Macy in October 1858. With a history of over 164 years, Macy’s has been serving customers for clothing, footwear, home, lifestyle, jewelry, furniture, accessories, etc.

Macy’s, formerly known as R.H. Macy & Co., had spread to have stores at 510 locations across the US as of Q3 of 2022. The parent company Macy’s, Inc., also has three subsidiaries: Macy’s Furniture Gallery, Macy’s Backstage, and Market by Macy’s. The current CEO of the company is Jeff Gennette.

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If we talk about the company’s workforce having such a long history, thousands of people would have come and gone to witness the evolution of R.H. Macy & Co. to become Macy’s Inc. The company has a workforce of around 130,000 working at 510 stores of Macy’s Inc., Macy’s Furniture Gallery, Macy’s Backstage, and Market by Macy’s.

What Is Macy’s Paystub?

Before we actually jump on to getting Macy’s paystub, it is important to hold on to understand the meaning and purpose of paystubs. So here is the definition of paystubs:

Paystub is the record of an employee’s monthly wages, salary, deductions, taxes, and contributions made to different funds. A paystub can be a digital document or a piece of paper, depending on the employer.

All employers provide their employees with monthly paystubs and paychecks every month. Similarly, Macy’s employees also receive their monthly paystubs from the company together with their paychecks.

If we talk about the exact content of the paystubs, here is the description of the information included in the paystub of every employee:

  • The first part of the paystub contains the name of the employee, his employee ID, postal address, etc.
  • The section parallel to the general information contains the pay period details, including the month, pay date, beginning and end dates of the month, etc.
  • The next part has the detail of the gross salary, wage, etc., and also the total hours worked by the employee
  • The fourth section on a paystub covers the taxes withheld from the employee’s salary, which include social security tax, federal tax, medicare tax, and state tax
  • You will also find information about voluntary and involuntary deductions made from the gross salary
  • Finally, the contributions to health saving accounts, life insurance, retirement plans, etc., are also vouched on the paystubs.
  • The last part of the paystub contains the net income credited to the employee after making all deductions and contributions

How To Get Macy’s Paystub As A Current Employee Of Macy’s?

Now you know what a paystub is and why you might need it from your employee. The next question is how to get your paystub if you’re a current employee of Macy’s.

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So here is what you need to know:


The most common and popular method to get your Macy’s paystubs is via the company’s online portal.

Many HR services provide platforms that allow employers to create a customized dashboard for their employees and use it to disburse the information they want to provide their employees.

Similarly, Macy’s also has a portal for the employees to log in with their credentials and access monthly paystubs, Form W2s, etc.

If you’re a current employee of Macy’s, all you have to do is log in to your Insite account and access the required information without any hassle.

Via HR Office

When you’re facing any problem regarding Insite login or accessing your paystubs and W2s, you can contact the HR office or the payroll department to resolve the underlying problem. You can also request the HR office to issue the paystubs for you on an individual basis.

Via Mailing Address

The current employees of the Macy’s can also request the payroll department and HR office to issue the paystubs to their updated mailing address. You should make sure you have given the correct mailing address so that your paystubs don’t get lost during the process.

How To Get Paystub As A Former Employee Of Macy’s?

What if you had been an employee of Macy’s in the past? How can you get your previous paystubs from the company as a former employee of the company?

Here is what you need to know:


Just like how the company’s current employees can access the online portal of Macy’s to access their paystubs, W2s, and other relevant information, ex-employees can also log in to the portal. You can use your old credentials to access the portal and download your previous pay stubs from there.

If you forgot your username and password, you could contact the HR office and Insite customer service of Macy’s to facilitate you and access your Insite account to download paystubs.

Via Mailing Address

The ex-employees of the Macy’s can also request the payroll department and HR office to issue the paystubs to their updated mailing address. You should make sure you have given the correct mailing address so that your paystubs don’t get lost during the process.

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What Is Macy’s Insite Portal?

Let’s talk a bit about Macy’s Insite portal. So Macy’s Insite portal is an online platform developed by Macy’s human resource department that allows the company’s current, former, and retired employees to access their employment-related information with a few clicks. The web address for the portal is as follows: hr.macys.net/insite/common/logon.aspx

How To Register For Macy’s Insite Portal?

Here is how you can register for Macy’s employee portal as a current employee of the company:

  1. Visit the official website of Macy’s My Insite Official Employee Portal here. It is the official portal for employees of Macy’s and Bloomingdale.
  2. Click on My In-Site from the menu, which will open the sign-in page for you. Click on Sign In, and you will be redirected to a new page.
  3. You will be required to provide your employee ID and password. There is no clear way to register online. Therefore, you will need to provide your employee ID and Network password to get access to the system. If something is unclear, you can always reach out to customer service of the Insite portal to resolve the issue.


What Is Macy’s Insite customer service?

The HR helpline of Macy’s is 1-800-234-6229, and you can also reach out to the help desk at 678-474-2300 for login-related issues on the Insite portal.

What is the pay at Macy’s?

There is not a single figure we can tell to explain the pay at Macy’s. The wages and salaries paid by the company depend on the employee’s job title, location, job description, etc.

The salary of Macy’s employees can be anywhere between $20,000 per annum to $130000 per annum. However, sales employees’ average per-hour rate is $11 to $13.

Can I log in to Macy’s Insite portal as a former employee?

Yes, you can log in to Macy’s Insite portal even if you have quit Macy. You can access your old W2s and paystubs from the Insite portal.